Hardangerfjord Express Boat

Departures from Bergen Airport, Flesland

When does the bus leave the airport?

Please check the schedule at flybussen.no
Choose Flesland kai/Bergen Lufthavn Flesland to find the correct schedule.


How much does a bus ticket cost?

The prices for the bus between Flesland Airport and Flesland pier for 2023 are the following:

  • Buy ticket at flybussen.no – NOK 99 for adults and NOK 79 for children, one way.
  • You can always buy tickets in the bus as well, but for a higher price than the pre-purchased ticket.

Subject to price changes.


Where do I find the bus at the airport?

The bus departs from and arrives at the stop marked A2 on lower platform of Bergen Airport, Flesland airport. Find out more at avinor.no.

Can I pre-book a ticket on the bus?

We recommend all passengers to buy tickets at flybussen.no
There is no seat guarantee without a pre-booking.