Hardangerfjord Express Boat

How long does the bus take from Rosendal to Odda?

When do the buses depart?

Buses to and from the town of Odda sometimes connect with is corresponding with departures by the Hardangerfjord Express Boat. Please see our schedule to see which departures connect. Full bus schedule for route 760 can be found at skyss.no.


How long does the bus take from Rosendal to Odda?

The bus from Rosendal to the town of Odda takes about an hour.  There are no guarantee for available seats on the bus.


Can groups pre-book on the bus?

Larger groups can book at skyss.no.


How much does a bus ticket cost?

The one-way ticket price stated at Skyss.no in 2023 is NOK 40 for adults and NOK 20 for children.

Subject to price changes.

Can I buy the bus ticket on board the boat?

No, it is not possible to buy the bus ticket on board our boat.